Brief personal history of the author Trevor Noah and its vocabulary list. 作者生平簡介及其生字表 | Trevor Noah was born in South Africa during apartheid. 作者出生於南非種族隔離時代(1948~1944)。 |
Is Born a Crime easy to read? ." "生而有罪"小說,英文程度說明 | Born a Crime is adapted to suit easy reading for middle-grade readers. 此英文小說適合中等程度讀者。 |
Chapter 1: Run (1) 第一章:跑(1) | Before apartheid in South Africa, black South Africans were divided into tribes. 在種族隔離制度開始前,南非黑人是分成好幾個部落。 |
Chapter 1. Run (2) 第一章:跑(2) | These tribes had a long history of conflict: the Zulu and the Xhosa. Zulu 及 Xhosa部落長期衝突。 |
Chapter 1: Run (3) 第一章:跑(3) | Trevor truly enjoyed attending church , but not the commuting ways to these churches. 作者樂於參加教會活動,但往返教會交通方式困擾他家人。 |
Chapter 2: Born a Crime (1) 第二章:生而有罪(1) | In 1652, Dutch colonizers gradually developed their own culture and language. 1652年荷蘭殖民,漸漸發展出自己的文化及語言。 |
Chapter 2: Born a Crime (2) 第二章:生而有罪(2) | The marriage between races was against the law. Many mixed-raced children were born during this time. 不同種族的通婚是違法的,在這種情況下,很多混血小孩誕生。 |
Chapter 2: Born a Crime (3) 第二章:生而有罪(3) | It was dangerous for the family to be seen in public . So Trevor was good at entertaining himself indoors. 作者出現在公共場所是危險的,所以作者擅長在室內自娛自樂。 |
公民論壇參與週 | 社大辦公室安排之講座或活動 |
Analysis: Chapters 1 & 2 (1) 分析:第一章&第二章 (1) | Noah introduces and describes the dominant bribes of South Africa to understand his country's history and how it shapes the present.作者介紹及描述南非境內主要部落,以便讀者了解南非歷史及部落如何塑造其文化。 |
Analysis :Chapters 1 &2 (2) 分析:第一章&第二章 (2) | Trevor's mother's Christian faith is as much a part of who she is as her Xhosa heritage.作者母親信仰基督教,也同時承襲部落文化遺產。 |
Analysis: Chapters 1 & 2 (3) 分析:第一章&第二章 (3) | Noah describes how the Afrikaners removed people from their native lands. 作者描述南非白人如何驅離原住民,離開自己的土地。 |
Chapter 3 : Trevor, Pray (1) 第三章:禱告(1) | South African justice system contains contradictions : a judge, jury, and lawyers. 南非文化內含矛盾,其中之一就是司法制度。 |
Chapter 3 : Trevor, Pray (2)第三章:禱告(2) | The only regular male in Trevor's young life was his mother's father, Temperance Noah. 常常出現作者年輕時的男性,就是作者的外祖父。 |
Chapter 3 : Trevor, Pray (3) 第三章:禱告(3) | Most homes in Soweto typically did not include indoor plumbing. 大部分Soweto大多數房屋,室內沒有水管。 |
Analysis : Chapter 3 (1) 分析第三章 (1) | Combination of traditional belief with Christianity, South Africans still have crime, punishment and social life. 結合傳統文化及基督教信仰,南非人發現犯罪處罰及社交生活仍存在他們生活之中。 |
Analysis: Chapter 3 (2) 分析第三章 (2) | Temperance father's irresponsibility and instability force the family's women to take control over the daily labor.作者的外祖父不負責任的態度及不穩定性,迫使家中女性必須支撐全家經濟支出。 |
成果展準備週 | 回顧、複習與分享本學期結業成果展練習 |